“You learn something new everyday if you pay attention” – Ray Lebond
What an impactful quote! So how do we ensure that our children are attentive when their school day starts?
Here are my top 3 tips:
#1 Sleep:
I have seen time and time again how a lack a sleep can make learning difficult. Not only for my kids but for myself. It’s so important for kids to have their appropriate time for sleep. And it isn’t going to be the same across every board. Some people need more or less to be able to function. Healthychildren.org says preschoolers 3-5 years old should have at least 10-13 hours of sleep including naps. For 6-12 year olds, they need about 9-12 hours of sleep. And for 13-18 years old, they need 8-10 hours of sleep.
#2 Breakfast:
Such an important meal! My kids do not eat as soon as they wake up, they need a little time to play and chat and then will eat something light. And this is why we have two breakfasts’. The first breakfast is to well, break your fast. Then we’re off to school.
Our second breakfast is usually an hour later and has a little more sustenance to last until lunch time. Sometimes we will have a snack in between. And it’s also important to drink water. Sometimes thirst can be mistake for hunger. So I suggest keeping a bottle of water at the school desk.
But back to eating… It’s important to eat something nutritious because 1) it provides energy, and 2) it prevents their bellies from grumbling which takes the focus away from doing school work.
#3 Free Time:
My boys enjoy playing for a little bit with their toys, reading, inventing, or lounging around before starting their school work.
This will get those wiggles out as well as waking up their brain for learning.
I don’t usually allow screen time- which includes playing games on the iPad or watching T.V.. I’ll allow the iPad for some use (such as looking up stuff that came to their mind) but that’s limited as they (and anyone really) can go down that rabbit hole of constant recommendations for viewing just one item.
So why do I limit screen time or not allow it before or during school time? I noticed when “fun screen time” happens before school time… we have a much harder school day. There’s a lack of focus, fidgetiness, and even attitudes. So this just benefits everyone.
So these are my top 3 things to start our school day right. What are some of the things you do to start your school day right?
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