Today’s art lesson was inspired by Dadaist, Marcel Duchamp. His artwork is titled “Happy Accident String Drop”.
This is a really fun and inventive art project involving different lengths of strings and colorful paint. Being that it’s process art- we aren’t going to focus on the end product! Instead, we are going to enjoy dropping paint dipped string on to paper and seeing what it creates! Be sure to check out our video below!
Also, if you wanted to make it a little more STEM, I would suggest the following:
1) have the kids measure and cut different lengths of strings
2)start off with primary colors and then mix into tertiary colors
3) change the height at which you drop the strings and see what happens.
All in all, this art setup took about 5 minutes! So let’s get painting!

What are the supplies needed?
Paper plate or Kraft roll to place paint on.
How to make the string art:
- Cut the yarn into different lengths
- Mix one piece of string in desired color
- Hold the string a few inches from the paper and then just drop it
- Continue with steps 2 and 3, until you’re done.
- Using tweezers, carefully remove each string
- Let dry
- Stand back and fall in love with your process string art! Look for any shapes or patterns and discuss! Also, give your artwork a title!
My youngest titled his art, “The L Work” since he found an “L” shape in his work. My oldest titled his art work, “The Rope Of Chance”.

Going to give this project a try? Tag me @playinquiremakelearn, I’d love to feature your child’s art!
*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*