Skeleton Toothpaste (Elephant)

How To Make Skeleton Toothpaste (Elephant) Halloween Science Experiment For Kids

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Today’s science experiment was a twist off the classic experiment- Elephant Toothpaste. We made our own Halloween version and called it Skeleton Toothpaste!

The kids had such a blast with this. They thought it was hilarious when I brought out a plastic skull head and told them to get a toothbrush (disclaimer: this isn’t real toothpaste and should NOT be used in a real person’s mouth).

Check out our video below to see the fun! Also, if you haven’t already, check out our Witches and Wizards Brew Science Experiment for fun, mini, colorful explosions! You can also print out our STEAM monthly calendar for October here.

What Is Elephant’s Toothpaste? 

It is a substance that becomes foamy and releases heat due to the chemical reactions taking place between yeast, hydrogen peroxide, water and dish soap.

Is It Safe To Touch?

The 20 volume hydrogen peroxide we used had 6% hydrogen peroxide in it. It is a must to wear gloves when pouring it from its original container into the flask via a funnel.  From an online search, it’s says at least 10% can be highly irritating, so I would take precaution and keep touching to a minimum with any chemical, even if it is “broken apart” in an experiment.

We did touch the elephant toothpaste with our bare hands once it erupted, but I tested it first to make sure it wasn’t hot and I didn’t let the kids play in it for long as I didn’t want their skin to become irritated. Each parent must use their own judgement and do research to learn more.

What Is Elephant Toothpaste Used For?

This experiment is generally used to teach chemical reactions as well as exothermic reactions. Exothermic means it releases heat. Once the experiment was completed and the “toothpaste” oozed out, we could feel the warmth of the flask and the toothpaste as it continued to ooze out.

Elephant Toothpaste

Materials For Skeleton Toothpaste

Hydrogen Peroxide 20%

Empty Bottle or Flask

Dish Soap


-Warm Water

Food Coloring




-2 Measuring Cups



Skull Head


Elephant Toothpaste Science for Kids
Skeleton Toothpaste
Fun with Elephant Skeleton Toothpaste



1- Gently stir in 1 packet of yeast in 3 tablespoons of warm water in a liquid measuring cup. Let sit for about 5 minutes.

2-Wear goggles and gloves. Pouring carefully, measure 3/4 cup hydrogen peroxide and using a funnel, add into a clean, empty flask or water bottle. Place into a tray.

3- Add a few drops of dish soap and food coloring to the hydrogen peroxide. The more soap you add the more foamy.

4-Finally, add yeast/water mix to the hydrogen peroxide and watch it ooze!

5- Grab you skeleton skull head and start brushing its teeth! (WARNING: This is NOT real toothpaste, DO NOT use in mouth or on body)

Simple Explanation: Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen slowly so when yeast (a catalyst) is added, it speeds up the process!

Skeleton Toothpaste Video

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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*