This week we are having a blast completing the science portion of our STEAM experiments for Halloween. If you are following me on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll see daily posts on our “spooky” and fun activities.
If you missed them, don’t worry! Check out the ones we did by clicking on these links: Wizards and Witches Brew, Skeleton Toothpaste, and Spooky Density Tower. If you want a checklist that has a month full of STEAM experiments, check out my free printable here.
So on for today’s experiment- we made ghosts fly! What?!? So cool! Read on to learn more!
What is a Flying Teabag Ghost?
Basically, we emptied out the contents of a teabag, opened it up in a cylinder form, and drew a spooky ghost face on it. Then, we carefully lit it on fire in a place without wind or an air conditioner vent or fan on, and watch it burn to ash and fly! Also, this is actually a great time to discuss Fire Safety with kids. Check out the Red Cross Fire Safety page to learn more.
What Are Teabags Made Out Of?
Teabags are generally made out of filter paper. They can be made of other materials like silk, or cotton, or food grade plastic, but commonly it’s filter paper.
What Happens When You Burn A Teabag?
When we light the cylinder form of the teabag on fire from the top, it begins to burn. Inside of the teabag is filled with air. So now this air begins to heat up. When air starts to heat up, the molecules begin to move around rapidly. The air inside of the teabag is now hotter than the air outside of the teabag, thus as the teabag continues to burn down, it actually rises (also due to its light weight) and burns to ash!

–Foil or Plate (you need a surface that won’t burn)
-Water or Fire Extinguisher (just in case you need it to put out the fire)
-Mini Bowl (to save the teabag leaves)
-Safe place to light the teabag on fire without blowing away or causing a small fire

1- Cut open the top of the teabag where it has the staple.
2- Empty out the contents in a small bowl. You can reuse the teabag leaves if you have a teabag diffuser, or just toss it.
3- Open up the teabag so it is in a cylinder form. You can trim it if it is too long.
4- Place on the table, flat, and draw a spooky ghost face on it.
5- Open it back up into a cylinder form, and place it to stand on a piece of square foil or plate.
6- Make sure there is enough space for it to fly up, and that the air conditioner/fan is NOT blowing on or near it, and make sure you aren’t doing it outside on a windy day.
7- Adult Supervision Required. Light the top of the teabag on fire and let it burn.
8- As it begins to burn down, the remaining ash will rise up- this is your “flying ghost”. Cool, right?!
Watch our video below for a visual!