Gameschool: Prime Climb

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🎲Prime Climb 🔢

So today is technically an “off” day of home school for us but the games we are playing have everything to do with learning and I count it as school (but my kids don’t 😂).

How to play Prime Climb– this is one of our favorite games to play. It is straightforward and you can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division. You have two pieces per person and the goal is to reach 101 first with both pieces. You roll the dice and each die is considered a separate number. So if you rolled a 7 and a 3, you could move your piece by adding 7 spaces and then multiply that number you landed on by 3 (as long as it doesn’t go over 101). If you land on any of the red numbers- which are prime numbers- you get a prime card and those are action cards. There is more to the game of course but this is a brief overview. This is a great game for all ages because you can use different operations, learn numbers, and practice strategy to win.

🔢What’s your favorite math game? Comment Below, I’d love to hear from you!

*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*