My 5 yo started to inquire about mummies so this was my cue to set up a unit study to learn about this ancient civilization.
For our books to read, I grabbed our Usborne Encyclopedia of World History, Historium, Ancient History, and an E-Book of The Magic Treehouse (Fact Trackers): Mummies and Pyramids.

For hands-on learning, we completed an apple mummy experiment. I also made two sensory trays- One with water beads and Egyptian figurines with labels to search and find. And the second one with play sand, water beads, Geometric Shapes, and the Safari Ltd Ancient Egpyt toob figurines. My boys learned so much with these sensory, hands-on activities! Check them out below

I found these treasure rocks at the dollar store and they were awesome! The kids used a hammer to help chisel away the hard clay and claim their prizes. We used the clay to draw and then I used regular colored chalk to draw Africa and we labeled Egypt, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea as well as writing down a few facts we learned from reading the Magic Treehouse: Mummies and Pyramids. We also wrapped our wonder crew dolls in white linen which was fun! Check out the photos below!

To see updates on our activities, be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram @playinquiremakelearn
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