I love doing this experiment as it’s like magic! How do the images disappear? Let’s grab our supplies and find out!

Glass filled with water
Paper to draw on
Ziploc bag
1️⃣ Fill a glass with water. Set aside.
2️⃣ On a piece of paper, draw a rainbow. We used these dual markers.
3️⃣ Put your rainbow drawing in a clear ziploc bag.
4️⃣ Put your rainbow in the water and view the image from above. It should look like the image disappeared!

How does the image disappear?
Light reflects off of objects, and then we can see the objects. Hence, we can see the rainbow image due to light reflecting off of it. When we insert the rainbow image into the glass of water, light is refracted (bended). In this scenario with the 1) rainbow going into the water, and 2) the angle at which we are observing the image, the light is refracting back in to the water. This is called total internal reflection of light, and it’s the reason why we cannot see the rainbow image.
I hope you enjoyed this experiment!
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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*