For our homeschool art lesson this week, we learned about Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, or simply, Michaelangelo.
Here’s an interesting fact that we learned: It was recognized that Michaelangelo did not paint the artwork on the ceiling while laying down as was once assumed! He painted standing upright, looking up, and as a result, suffered many health issues!
Nonetheless, we decided to paint our portraits looking up (either sitting or laying down). My boys really enjoyed this experience!
So let’s get ready to paint!
What are the supplies needed:
Paint colors of choice
Paint Palette
Mixed Media paper
Kraft Brown Roll (paper to lay on and catch paint that falls)
Cup of Water
Paper towels

Here are the steps for painting like Michaelangelo:
1- Using a desk or table, tape the mixed media paper to the underside of the table.
2- Lay down Kraft paper roll (tape to floor to prevent rolling up)
3-Decide on what to paint. Choose the paint colors and place in a palette or paper plate.
4-Gather water in a cup to rinse brushes or simply have a paintbrush for each color. Gather paper towels to dry in between rinsing the paintbrushes and getting a new paint color.
5- Have child lay or sit on the Kraft paper roll and paint your masterpiece!
6-Frame or hang on the fridge or create a wall of art to display all your artwork!
If you are looking for another fun homeschool art lesson, check out this Monotype Art For Kids.
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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*