What items sink and which items float? Can a magnet work under water? Let’s find out the answers!
We had fun exploring objects that sink or float for my 5 year old’s science lesson. I made a simple worksheet with 4 columns: object, prediction, sink, and float. He completed the prediction by writing a simple S or F before he put the object in the water. After he placed each object in the water, he would check off the actual answer.
Some objects we used were a popsicle stick, a straw, a lego, a boat, a mini wrench , a nerf foam, a coin, a car, and a plane.
After all the objects were in the water, he took a magnetic wand and sure enough, it was able to pick up the objects that were also magnetic! Such a fun activity for him!
Tray (we bought this drip pan at the dollar store)
Various items that will float (ie: toy boat)
Various items that will sink (ie: mini wrench tool)
Items that are magnetic (paper clip, magnetic balls, etc.)
Items that are not magnetic (straw, popsicle stick, etc.)
Sheet of paper to record observations (label sheet with hypothesis; sink, float, magnetic, non magnetic), and conclusion.
1: Gather all magnetic and non-magnetic items.
2: Fill the tray with water. If you are recording your observations, look at each item and record if you think it will sink/float/is magnetic/is non-magnetic.
3: Add the items one by one and observe if they sink or float. Write down your observations if you are recording them.
4:After all the objects are added, use the magnetic wand to see if the object has magnetic characteristics. Record your observations.
Check out our video below!
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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*