There are days when the kids just don’t feel like doing school. And that’s totally okay! We play games instead and they truly don’t believe it’s school work, but it totally is!
Here’s a brief overview of the games for today’s post:
Sequence Numbers– this is an awesome game for addition and subtraction facts. Each player is given five cards, and in order to win, they have to get 5 play pieces in a row. This game uses strategy and pre-planning, as well as helping with mental math. I also created multiplication flash cards to go along with this game. If anyone is interested, I can make it into a printable and include it in my resource library for free. Just comment below 👇with a ✖️emoji, and I’ll do it!

Math Noodlers: This game is actually pretty awesome and can be played really quick, which is perfect! Keeps the kids wanting to play more 😆. There are four different cards to choose from depending on the color you land on. You have to either doodle, write, choose, or show your answers. It’s a pretty straightforward game.

Trifacta: This is a great game to practice and reinforce multiplication and division. For this game, I highly recommend playing in teams if your kids are just learning their division/multiplication but if they have most of it down, they can play alone. You’re given 6 cards and you have to make facts. You have to play up to two to three cards in each play and basically you have to create equations using the cards that’s in the triangle and the cards in your hand.

If you would like to check out these games, visit my amazon shop and head to the “all about math” section!