Have you ever poked a balloon with something sharp and it immediately popped? If you answered yes, keeping reading to find out how you can insert something sharp into a balloon and it won’t go “POP”!
And if you haven’t already, check out these fun and awesome Witches and Wizards Brew and Flying Teabag Ghost Science Experiments.
What Are Balloons Made Of?
Balloons can be made out of latex, rubber, nylon, and plastic.
Why Can You Put A Skewer Through A Balloon?
Balloons are made up of polymer chains which are stretchy. So when the balloon is poked through the thickest parts of a balloon (near to where you tie the balloon, and to the top part of the balloon), the polymer chains automatically close around the skewer.
If you were to poke the balloon in the thinnest parts, it would pop for sure. Be sure to check out my video below so you can see where exactly the two points- one entry, and one exit- are.
How Do You Skewer A Balloon?
Here are a few tips that I’ve learned to help execute this science experiment without popping too many balloons.
1- Blow the balloon so that it is smaller than the skewer.
2- You want to make sure you see the thickest parts of the balloon where you tie the balloon and at the top.
3- Stabilize the balloon when you first insert the skewer. Be very careful when inserting the skewer so you don’t accidentally pierce your hand. Adult supervision required for this part.

– Skewer
-Balloon Pump
-Permanent Marker

1- Blow up the balloon so that it is smaller than the skewer and where you can still see the thickest parts where you tie it and on the top.
2- Tie the balloon so no air can leak out.
3- Draw a spooky halloween character, like Frankenstein, a Ghost, or a Jack o’ Lantern. You can even write a note, “Happy Halloween” on it.
4- Adult helper required. Stabilize the balloon on the table. Take the skewer, pointy side up and carefully insert it slowly into the thickest part of where you tied the balloon. Sometimes you will hear the air starting to leak out, don’t worry, but move on to step number 5 quickly but safely :).
5- Search for the skewer at the top of the balloon. Carefully pierce it through the top of the thickest part.
6- The balloon should now have a skewer through it!
It takes a couple of tries, especially if you aren’t a fan of balloons popping in your hands and flinch at every moment you think it will pop. But nonetheless, it is pretty cool once you do it and it amazes the kids!
Give it a try and let me know below how you did and what the kids thought of it!