How To Make Popcorn Kernels Jump | Science Experiment For Kids

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Have you ever made popcorn kernels “jump, dance or hop”?

This is a really cool science experiment to do with your kids that involves popcorn kernels, alka-selzter tablets and water. It’s very similar to our “dancing raisins” experiment except instead of using baking soda and vinegar, we used alka-seltzer tablets for that similar chemical reaction to take place.

I like doing experiments that have similar explanations and outcomes because then we can tie our learning concepts together. It makes learning really fun when the kids are able to predict what will happen based on the ingredients they use and it just helps to build that confidence. When we also conduct these simple hands on experiments, the kids already know what to expect and so it makes it easier each time you do an experiment.

So on to our experiment…


A Drinking Glass

Alka-Seltzer Tablets

10-15 Popcorn Kernels


**TIP: You’ll need about 1 tablet for every 4 ounces of fluid for it to be successful.**


1: Pour water into a glass. Make sure to leave enough room at the top as we don’t want to water to overflow.

2: Add a few of the popcorn kernels into the water.

3: Add in the alka seltzer tablets.

4: After a few seconds, you’ll see the kernels start to “jump” around. Record your observations.

*Discard everything when done with experiment. DO NOT EAT*

Why do the popcorn kernels “jump”?

When the Alka-Seltzer tablets begin to dissolve in the water, it makes carbon dioxide bubbles, which then attaches to the kernel and makes it float to the top. When the CO2 bubbles pop, the kernels sink back down. And the cycle repeats!

Check out our video below!

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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*