This week we are covering Space and Astronomy in our Kindergarten to 3rd Grade homeschool lessons. Space is such a wonder for children to learn about: The planets are amazing, rocket ships are pretty cool, and galaxies are mesmerizing. I am really excited to put this unit together and learn alongside my kids.

For our lesson today, we laid out the planet nomenclature flashcards in order using the saying, “My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nuggets”. I had to adjust this phrase for my kids as I had learned something different back when Pluto was considered a planet. What phrase did you all learn to remember the planets? Comment below!

After we laid out the planet flashcards, my youngest then matched each of the solar system planet figurines to the flashcards and labeled them in order. If you love these flashcards, check them out in my shop! After he matched the solar system flashcards, he then used the labels I created to match the rest of the safari ltd. toob figurines, such as the astronaut, hubble telescope, moon rover, and so on.

Afterwards, we grabbed our blank mini planet fact cards and read our solar system book together. For each planet that we read, my kids wrote down a memorable fact. When they completed all of the 8 planets, we created a mini booklet and put it inside of a file folder. This came out so wonderful! This is a really great space activity to do as it encompasses reading, writing, and open discussions.

If you are looking for some more awesome Space Themed Activities, check out these popular posts below:
Solar System Abstract Art With Crayons and A Blowdryer
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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*