In this tray, I attempted to recreate a swamp habitat so we can review the Life Cycle of a Frog. We have ponds, reeds, lily pads and water lillies. We also read Dr. Seuss’ “Would you rather be a tadpole” which is a fun book to learn about a few other animals and species that live in the pond.

For this mini lesson, I also printed out the Frog Life Cycle from Safari Ltd.’s website to go along with our frog figurines. My youngest cut and pasted the information on to the chart, just as he did with the butterfly lesson. He loves doing this! I will have to find more activities like this for him. This was truly a great, free resource provided by Safari Ltd. 🤩
The funnest part of this lesson was getting to play with the frog figurines. My kids have such an imagination when it comes to playing with these toys so it makes our mini unit lessons much more fun but still educational.
So to make your own play tray for the life cycle of a frog, here’s what you’ll need:
Multi compartment tray (we bought ours at the dollar store)
Play dough of various colors
Shape cutters
Popsicle Sticks
Pebbles (we also bought this at the dollar store)
Life Cycle of a Frog figurines
- First, roll out the dark blue play dough. This is the water. Place in each of the compartments.
- Next, using brown play dough and green popsicle sticks, make a few reeds.
- Using zigzag scissors and light green play dough, cut out grass.
- Spread out the pebbles around the different compartments.
- Add reeds and grass to a few of the compartments.
- Roll out different shades of pink play dough to make the flowers. Use a shape cutter to cut into flower shapes.
- Roll out green play dough and cut into circles. Then cut a “V” shape into the circle to create a lilypad appearance. Place the flowers on top of the lilypads.
- Place the frogs strategically in each compartment. I placed the adult frog on the lilypad, the tadpole in the water, and the froglet half on a lilypad and half in the water.
- Have fun!
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*Adult Supervision Is Required For All Activities*